This question is marked out of 60, which makes it more heavily weighted than the unseen analysis - so use your time wisely! That said, you do have plenty of time - the exam is 2 hours 45 minutes long, so you can afford to spend about an hour and a half planning and writing your answer to this question.
You are allowed a copy of the texts in the exam, but they are not allowed to be annotated, so it's advisable to learn quotes per theme etc before you go in!
Remember that the over-all theme of this topic is The Individual In Society, and so you must always relate back to that in some way; eg in your introduction or conclusion. However contrived it might sound, it kind of has to be done... sorry!
Assessment objectives explained
AO1 - "Select and apply relevant concepts and approaches from integrated linguistic and literary study, using appropriate terminology and accurate, coherent written expression" (10 marks)*
So, for high marks, you've basically got to be able to write a linguistic and literary essay. The name is in the course title. But... how?
- Know your terms inside out
- Use a term every paragraph at least
- Be clear and coherent; write well
- Use long words and a passive, analytical voice (don't say things like "we will look at" or "I think"; say "when investigating" or "it is possible to see that")
AO2 - "Demonstrate detailed critical understanding in analysing the ways in which structure, form and language shape meanings in a range of spoken and written texts" (10 marks)*
So, evaluate (duh), and recognise that the plays are plays (duh).
- Refer to dramatic structures, eg soliloquy, monologue, peripateia, climax, denumente
- Evaluate! Be analytical!
- Contextualise; mention how a particular quote works within the play as a whole, for eg
- Look for dramatic intentions (if you don't know this concept, it will be explained in a later blog)
AO3 - "Use integrated approaches to explore relationships between texts, analysing and evaluating the significance of contextual factors in their production and reception" (40 marks)*
Similar to the above, except that there is more emphasis on comparison and context; look at the plays as plays from their eras, for example. This is easier to do with Othello, but you must be balanced - in some of Edexcel's sample answers, people have dropped several bands for not being balanced.
- Remember to compare throughout - close links
- Audience and purpose
- Genre; plays as plays - stage directions?
- Historical and social context (click HERE for more info!)
- Modern and contemporary reception?
As this is all very formulaic, with many overlaps, it's not possible to write, for example, a paragraph for each assessment objective in each play. You have to integrate - and you get marks in AO3 for doing this.
The specification is not very detailed; it leaves a lot up to the examiner's interpretation, and so technique is paramount. Make sure you write eloquently and in an appropriate style, as this gives off the impression of intelligence and will make you seem more favourable for higher banded marks.
* - quotes taken directly from the Edexcel mark scheme